9661E is a one component, fast cure, non corrosive silicone adhesive sealant
9661E is a one component, fast cure, non corrosive silicone adhesive sealant that cures on exposure to atmospheric moisture to form an elastic silicone rubber.
· Good adhesion
· Low odor, release an alcohol vapor during cure
· Excellent weatherability
· Excellent dielectric properties
· UL 94-V0 (UL File: E306078)
· Flexible over a wide temperature range from -60℃ to 200℃
· No corrosive to metals.
Typical application: bonding and sealing for electric apparatus
· Surface preparation: All the substrate surface should be clean and dry prior to application. Some solvents can be used to clean the surface.
· How to apply: Squeezing and coating the gel to the clean surface, the coat should be no more than 4mm.
· Curing: 9661E is cured at room temperature by reaction with moisture in the air. Suggested cure conditions are 25℃ in air with at least 50% relative humidity will accelerate rate of cure.
Product safety information required for safe use is not included. Before handing, read product and safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information.
Property Unit value
Uncured properties
Color White/Grey
Viscosity cp Paste
Tack-free at 25℃ min 10
Extrusion rate(0.5MPa, 3mm) g/s 70
Cured properties(7 days@25℃/60%RH)
Specific Gravity at 25℃ g/ml 1.45
Durometer Hardness Shore A 60
Shear Strength(Al-Al) MPa 1.0
Elongation % 50
Tensile strength MPa 1.8
Temperature range ℃ -60~200
Low molecular weight ppm <300
Volume resistivity Ω·cm 1×1015
Dielectric strength kV/mm 20
Dielectric constant at 1.2 MHz 2.9
· Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight
· Stored at or below 25℃ in the original unopened containers, this product has a usable life of 6 months
from the date of production. Special precautions must be taken to prevent moisture from contacting this material. Containers should be kept tightly close.
Packaging Standards
Order Code:Guangzhou
9661E4, 310ml cartridge, a box of 25 cartridge
9661E5, 2600ml cartridge, a box of 4 cartridge
Storage conditions
At 8-28 ℃ cool and dry place for storage.
Storage period of six months.